Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thoughts on the Pew Report

I'm going to write this blog post as I read the report, by just typing out the random thoughts that pop into my head in real time

Re: Increase in viewers of cable news. I can't help but consider this a dangerous trend. Consider there are three main cable news networks, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox. 
  • CNN, I suppose, can be considered the most legitimate and credible, though it still has both the birther-conspiracy supporter Lou Dobbs and the lovable but undeniably light Larry King taking two prime hours of viewership. Just think that millions of Americans each night watch Lou question the legitimacy of President Obama's birth certificate and Larry analyze every aspect of Michael Jackson's autopsy. (Sidenote: There was an interesting piece in Vanity Fair on Larry King's new role as America's celebrity death mourner.) 
  • Now let's turn to MSNBC. I have great respect for Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, and I love watching their shows. But no one should watch MSNBC exclusively. Its too much of a liberal niche, and instead of giving comprehensive, detailed reporting, it tends to focus on host centered commentary. While I consider the commentary valid and intelligent, I like to think of MSNBC an 'after the fact' network. After I've read about something in The Economist, NY Times, or WSJ I can turn to MSNBC to see what my fellow liberals are thinking.
  • Finally there is Fox. Simply put, the product that Fox News Channel puts out is abysmal. I'm in awe that so many Americans watch it and only it. Its frightening the hold that Glenn Back has on so many. I'm not simply arguing against Fox because I don't agree with its political slant. I can disagree but still respect conservative news. According to the study, the main goal of the National Review is to provide "intelligent, disciplined opposition" to the Obama administration. As long as they hold true to that mission, I can respect that publication. I just feel Fox operates on a level that is so elementary and simplistic that it actually harms the nation whose 'freedom' and 'liberty' it is always trying to protect. Check out this amazing video of the rally inspired by Glenn Beck to see exactly what Fox teachers its viewers. It would be sad if it wasn't so scary. 
  • There also is CNN Headline News, but any channel that is willing to employ Nancy Grace does not deserve my time. 
Re: Decrease in all news magazines except the "elite" The Economist (8% increase in circulation)
  • Doesn't everyone read The Economist just so they can say "I read The Economist" over dinner or drinks? Kidding. I also find it interesting that Economist readers are the youngest and at the same time wealthiest. 
Re: Decrease in newspaper circulation
  • Not surprising. I believe that the economic decline isn't the biggest factor in this decrease. I think we are failing to realize that unlike previous generations- including aging ones- we just don't find the daily newspaper a direct essential, even if we still indirectly rely on it. 
  • I realize that its impossible to not make cuts when there are such heavy declines, but the newspaper industry is only amplifying its problems. In order to remain viable, newspapers have to offer something unique while still maintaining their traditionalism. By cutting sections- including niche/special interest ones- they are watering down and reducing what makes them so great.

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